Friday, January 29, 2010


I made this post on reddit today and it got a lot of positive feedback, figured I would post it here.

I remember playing Colecovision at a friends house and being so jealous of it's amazing graphics. I remember MTV playing videos of Ozzy. I remember my first bike, a red BMX model with these crazy foam pads all over it. I remember my uncle had a computer with a Bernoulli Box. I remember when Saturday mornings were 6 hours of cartoons, and good cartoons, not that CG shit that they shovel on kids today. I remember the first time I saw a computer mouse in my 3rd grade computer lab, there was a program called "logo" and you could make a little "turtle" move around the screen leaving a line behind it. I remember staying home from school sick one day, my Aunt was watching me and since she knew I was into science she turned on the space shuttle launch. It exploded. I remember all the jokes that came after that. I remember Garbage Pail Kids, and Dinosaurs Attack Cards. I remember going to see Star Wars (the original) in the theaters and how it changed my life. I remember the Incredible Hulk TV show. I remember on Halloween trick or treating until midnight, unsupervised, and coming home with a pillow case full of candy. I remember my Optimus Prime Transformer. I remember when holograms started to appear on everything. I remember my Dad bringing home our first computer and teaching me how to use DOS. I remember when I got Test Drive "The Duel" and playing it for almost 15 hours straight. I remember when the weatherman had a actual map behind him and these big stickers of clouds and suns that he would put on the map. I remember our old station wagon and me and my sister riding around in the back without seatbelts and that being totally normal. I remember when the Detroit Tigers won the World Series and everyone partying in the streets and me wondering why it was such a big deal. I remember when Detroit was a busy city. I remember my big wheel. I remember my Mister Microphone. I remember our first VCR and watching Ghostbusters everyday after school until the tape broke. I remember a lot of stuff, but the thing I remember most is how amazing everything seemed as a child, and that is one thing I hope I never forget.

Friday, December 4, 2009

[1up] Clan

If you like free games like counter strike an such check out Urban Terror. It's a really fun game, runs on linux, windows, or mac. You can usually find me hanging out at the [1up] clan servers, of which I am now a proud member.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Ted Kennedy

It's sad when anyone dies, be it a wealthy old Senator who has lived a full life, or a 28 year old woman drowning in the backseat of that senators car while he tries to cover up his involvement. Fuck Ted Kennedy, and fuck the media for treating him like a saint when he was anything but.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Exclamation points

I would like to posit a new theory I am working on. I believe there is a inverse correlation between intelligence and the number of exclamation points used at the end of a sentence. For instance:

This is a very exclamatory statement! (Intelligent)
This is a very exclamatory statement!!! (Below Average Intelligence)
This is a very exclamatory statement!!!!!!!!! (Borderline Retarded)
This is a very exclamatory statement!!!!!!!!1!!!1!!! (WTF)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Still on Vacation!

Still just chilling out in St. Ignace, we went to the island today, it was pretty cool, a little oldtimey though. I did get a chance to take some good pictures and make some nice panoramas though.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I am officially on vacation! Friday I went over Dan & Rachel's and played tiger woods with Brent, Scott and Andrea. Then on Saturday we had the day of birthdays. First we went to Wing Lee for Suzie's, then to Missi and Mikes for Zak's then went to lime light with passion and Carrie. I got passion a can of dust-off for her birthday, it's a long story. Sunday was a more laid back affair, we went over to Dan and Danielle's and played some more tiger woods. Tyler and 'Anna are soo cute. Really starting to talk and walk and make me want to have some kids. Next we head up tomorrow to St. Ignace to enjoy the UP! To the great Michigan wilderness. lol.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

DEMF Phone Friendly Schedule

No more will I have to create some scrappy little spreadsheet that gets lost in the first day. This is a great little tool, gives you artist bio info and times weather and a ton of other great info. Definately the tool to have this weekend.

On a side note I can't wait for this weekend! My birthday is Friday and I plan on partying from 4:00pm Fri straight through 12:00 Monday. Hope to see you there!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Wolfram Alpha off to a rocky start

So I heard it was going live tonight and it seems they are having some traffic issues but once I finally got the site to load my first two queries were met with confused looks from HAL, I mean Fram. I tried "Autism rates in Europe vs. US" and "autism rates" (I was watching Jenny Mcarthy on The Dr's, don't ask me why). Any way my next question, "Car Sales 2005" did return a result, then it crashed. But judging from the live feed from skynet it seems they are having a grand old party. Well as much of a party as you can have with Wolfram. Then I destroyed the universe (see pic).

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

NES Reviews

Ok I have given up on the dream, there are about 1,000 roms in there and I would say 90% are shit. I can't waste my life reviewing sewage like "8 Eyes". I am going back to griping about Windows and generic vitriol.